Hokkaido Uni — Sea Urchin RSS

Let's Deep into the Delicacy: The World of Uni

Uni, more commonly known as sea urchin, is a delicacy that has won the hearts of many across the globe. This mesmerizing marine treasure, with its luxurious taste and velvety texture, has a lot more to offer than meets the eye.What is Uni? Uni refers to the edible part of the sea urchin. These fascinating creatures move along the seabed, nourishing themselves on seaweeds like kelp and wakame. They rely on their fluid-filled tube feet for movement, respiration, and excretion. The protective hard shell encrusted with numerous spines gives the sea urchin a resemblance to a hedgehog, lending its English name.Unpacking the Inside Story Internally, the sea urchin has a digestive tract and gonads. The most coveted part, which we...

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Unveiling the Uni Universe: AAA Rishiri Vs. Gokujo AAA

As any Uni connoisseur will tell you, not all Uni are created equal. The difference between AAA Rishiri and Gokujo AAA Uni is a subject of much discussion among aficionados of this delectable delicacy. So, what sets them apart? Is one inherently better than the other? Let's dive into the heart of the matter. AAA Rishiri Uni: The Taste of Unadulterated OriginAAA Rishiri Uni stands as the embodiment of terroir from the pristine waters of Rishiri, a small island off the northernmost tip of Hokkaido, Japan. This unique environment imbues the Rishiri Uni with a rich, creamy, and sweet texture that's simply unrivaled. It's estimated that a whopping 70% of the exquisite flavor of AAA Rishiri Uni is attributed directly...

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Demystifying the Grades of Uni: Understanding the Packaging Variation

Introduction: Uni, or sea urchin, is a delicacy cherished by many seafood enthusiasts around the world. With its rich and creamy texture, it has become a sought-after ingredient in various culinary creations. However, for those new to the world of Uni, the different grades and variations can be a bit confusing. In this article, we aim to shed light on the packaging variations you may encounter when ordering Uni online. The Mystery of Packaging: Recently, we received a question from a customer who noticed a difference between the packaging of the Uni they received and the one displayed on our website. To clarify this confusion, we must delve into the grading system of Uni and how it affects the packaging....

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What Makes “Uni” Sea Urchin from Hokkaido So Special?

Creamy, plump, rich in briny umami and with a gentle sweetness, uni (sea urchin) from Hokkaido is an absolute delicacy. Uni comes in several varieties and is harvested nationwide across Japan, but those from Hokkaido are particularly venerated and highly prized. What makes them so special? Here we decipher the secrets behind the exceptional quality of uni from the northern island of Japan.

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A Rare Sea Urchin That is Hard to Find, Even at Toyosu Where The World's Top Uni Gather

Hello, everyone! This is Kimi from Hokkaido Uni Shop.  Today, I would like to introduce you to the valuable and delicious sea urchin that even connoisseurs at Uni (sea urchin) market, who are watching sea urchin every day, would be excited to see arrive and would try their best to get the best Uni available.  'Valuable sea urchin' is frankly... (IMHO) ... sea urchin that is rare to produce.First, take a look at this image. What are the characteristics of the sea urchin in this photo?To me, The green label Sea urchin is a whitish color The grain is large Lined up neatly and look luxurious These are what I was impressed with... Next, look at this picture. What are the...

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